My dad passed away 7 months ago, 5 months after being diagnosed with Oesophageal cancer. He died four weeks before my wedding and I walked down the aisle on my own. Every wedding I've been to this year I have sobbed when the FOB walks the bride down the aisle and during the FOB speech, knowing that I didn't get to have that experience.
My husband and I are now expecting our first child. It would have been my dad's first grandchild and he would have made the most amazing grandps. We have our 12 week scan tomorrow and whilst I can't wait to tell my mum, I'm so upset that this is yet another experience that I'll never be able to share with my Dad.
I miss him so much and whilst I have so many happy memories to cherish at the moment I feel such an intense grief for all the future experiences that we'll never share, that I'll never really have a relationship with him as his adult child.