i lost my mum to cancer 2 years ago well will be 2 yrs dec 23rd does anyone find it gets harder with time not easier like they say??
i lost my mum to cancer 2 years ago well will be 2 yrs dec 23rd does anyone find it gets harder with time not easier like they say??
i lost my mum to cancer 2 years ago well will be 2 yrs dec 23rd does anyone find it gets harder with time not easier like they say??
Hi Rugbyguy,
I think this is true certainly for the first few years. When we first loose a loved one, it takes time for it to seem real. Then as times pass by we realize the enormity of our loss. I lost my mother nearly 12 years ago and I still miss her. But in time we do learn to live with our loss. But I lostmy mother just after Christmas ans she was very ill in hospital over the holiday and we dreded the phone ringing. I feel sure she jst hang onsi it didnt spoil our Christmas but we didnt enjoy it and it hasnt seemed the sime since.
Take care my friend, Brian
My dad died 3 weeks ago and everyday I feel it's getting harder and I'm waking up more emotional than the day before. I thought I would be finding ways to cope as time goes on but I feel as if I'm on my way to crumbling.
I'm so sorry for your loss, PlanetEarthIsBlue. Three weeks is still so recent and your feelings must be incredibly raw.
Coping with bereavement is different for everybody, and there's no right or wrong way to grieve.
I wanted to pass on some information that we have on our website about Coping with grief - I hope it's of some help. The Cruse website also offers some good information and support for bereavement, too.
Do feel free to keep posting here too, we're here to listen.
Wishing you all the best,
Cancer Chat moderator
Hi rugbyguy, and welcome to Cancer Chat.
As Brian says, it can take time for the loss to truly sink in, and how long people grieve for is a very individual thing.
As I have mentioned to PlanetEarthIsBlue, there is some information on our website, and on Cruse - the bereavement charity's website. Grief counselling is something that some people find helpful, so do get in touch with Cruse, or speak to your GP, if you feel you could benefit from this.
Keep posting here if you feel able to, too.
Wishing you all the best,
Cancer Chat moderator