Miss my mum so much...

I lost my mum this year 11.07.2017 with to tapes of cancer my mum Dot. I cant bear not seeing her i miss her so much i cant cope with everyday im 26 the only girl in the family. Dont no what to do

  • Hi there ... welcome to our little chat room ... there are so many of us on here, missing our mums ... especially hard at this time of year, where everyone seems to be looking forward to Xmas...when all we need is our mum .... try to think , what your mum would say, if she could see you hurting so very much ... you will always be her baby girl , and special because she only had one daughter ... 

    I believe we don't loose them, they are just waiting for us when it is our turn to go ... I'm sure she must feel really proud of you, and you must be kind to your self .. it is still so raw.. know you will go through these feelings, it's all part of loving and loosing those we adore ... what I do when I feel I'm getting so down ... is remember something funny or loving memorie and re live every word, every feeling, every emotion of those times, and keep pushing out the sad memories until I start to smile again .. my mum loved it when she saw us smile... she would have been heart broken to see us so upset all the time ... it's about doing all those emotions in perspective and know, at least we were blessed to have wonderful mums, so many people I have talked too say they will never know what that feels like ... at least we have memories ... 

    So sending you a big hug ... try to live one day at a time ... and we're here for you, whatever your feeling .. take care chrisie xx 

  • Welcome to the forum Lawless although I'm sorry for your loss and for the reason you are posting.

    I noticed you said that this was affecting your everyday life and you weren't sure what to do so I just wanted to stop by and let you know about cruse bereavement. They offer support to those who have lost a loved one so do have a look at their website and maybe give them a call as they may be able to help you at this difficult time. 

    As Chrisie has said, we are here for you so do keep talking as you will find lots of support here as well.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator