My dad

Hello all, my father passed 6th October 2017. Since he was diagnosed, July 2015, drs said chemo etc would probably give him time. All along we knew it was terminal, he kept this back from people. By knowing and attending everything, I thought it would help me! Was I so wrong! Never a soft touchy man, he hid alot, told me he loved me weeks before (1st time ever). accepted the bed only 24hrs before his passing, I put him in it. Apologies. Thank you for reading x

  • Hello Rizzosmooth, 

    I just wanted to stop to welcome you to the forum and say we're so sorry to hear about your dad.

    Our sincere condolences from everyone here at Cancer Chat.

    Best wishes,

    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi there... sorry about your dad loosing his fight with cancer , but it sounds like he did it his own way.. and I’m so glad you got to hear those priceless words that some men do find it hard to say... but you did get them .... so sending you a big vertual hug.... Chrisie xx

  • Morning Chrisie,

    Thank you for your message, you gave me a little smile, as yes he did it all his own way...wanted to stay at home and so he did. Hospital bed arrived the Monday, slept at night in it.....he asked me on Thursday afternoon to put him to bed, 24hr on, he departed. I have read other peoples posts and just knowing, reading and sharing makes me feel not alone. Especially when in a persons world, everything else is as normal, yet yourself is in pieces. Here for others also

    Thank you xx

  • Hi there ... your so right, on the way home from hospital where we had just lost our wonderful mum...  I couldn’t understand why everyone was walking around, smiling, waiting for the bus... why hadn’t everything just stopped ...  also the first Xmas coz mum died in November I felt there was no one to talk to as everyone kept crying while I just wanted to talk ... so Xmas eve I heard they had a tree at the crematorium where you could take cards ... there were hundreds ... for mums, dads, sisters brothers and the saddest of all their children .. it really made me feel so comforted, and a magic of that tree will stay with me ... like you could feel all those loved and gone relatives looking down smiling ... 

    im sure your dad would be so proud of his lad .... you can always put whatever you feel on here... it’s our little club where all are welcome no mater what ... so any time you need a shoulder or listening ear ... sending you a huge hug ... hold on in there ... your a wonderful caring gentleman...(I’m only guessing, as you never said). Take care Chrisie ️ X