A month since losing my dad.

Just would like to say thanks to everyone on here as it has given me solice knowing I am not going through this alone.

This is the first time I have written anything but I have been reading the posts for months. 

My lovely dad lost his battle with cancer last month so it is obviously very raw still and his terminal diagnosis was at the end of August. I have gone back to work but can not focus and keep thinking and obsessing about his final few weeks. I keep reading that in time you remember the good bits.

I'm trying not to feel angry at the NHS as it took so long for them to diagnose the cancer but it's hard at the moment not to feel bitter about it. 

What a cocktail of emotions which erupt daily ... I just can't feel positive about anything at the moment and often think what the point is if everyone we love dies. Sorry for being so depressive .


  • Hi Thomberlina and welcome to the forum.

    I'm really sorry to hear your dad lost his battle with cancer last month and I want to offer you our sincerest condolences.

    You don't need to apologise for how you're feeling Thomberlina, it's completely understandable and many members here will really identify with what you have written having lost family members to cancer and I'm sure some of them will reply soon to offer their support and advice.

    I've included some information we have on our website about coping with loss which I hope will be of some help and comfort to you at this time but if you feel like your grief is affecting your work then you could always consider grief counselling. Again, I have included a link to a website which can help with this.

    Our thoughts are with you at this difficult time Thomberlina.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator