I pushed away my feeling of losing my mum but I can’t cope?

In 2011 I lost my mum to cancer and I was only 8 years old. She was treated in hospital for awhile and then was but into a hospice. Even though my dad and family tried to keep me and my siblings away from what was happening I still saw too much for a child of my age. I saw her slowly go from the Mum that I have very little memory of to the mum who I only really have memories of lying in her death bed. At the time of her death I tried to push things away and forgot instead of dealing with them. I wanted to just be normal again because everybody knew I was the kid who missed a lot of school so I could be with my now dead mum. I use to love School but once word got out about my life I hated it because no one could look at the same. All my teachers looked at me with sympathy and I hated it. I wanted to push it all away to try and be normal. I tried hard but I couldn’t do it. I ended becoming very distant and not paying attention to a lot. Luckily for me I finally got the chance to be normal when I moved hours away from where I use to live to a new area so my dad could be near his girlfriend and our family. In this new area I forgot about all the things I had been through and I became normal again. For years I forgot about everything but now it’s been 6 years and everyone I know has so many great memories of there mum and I’m just stood their not saying anything because I can’t say the only ones I have is of her on her death bed. All of this has brought up so many fresh and untouched memories that I had but I can’t push it away anymore and I’m struggling to cope, I’ve become more distant and I just wanted to know if there was anyway I could be normal again

  • Oh Amy ... no child should have to go through that ... life can be so very cruel ... you see I think ,, and it’s only my way of looking at things is , we have a cupboard in our hearts , where we put painfull memories.. and it works for awhile until years later we go to put one more painful/ hurt in our little cupboard and there’s so much in there it all tumbles out ...  all those memories overwhelmes us and you don’t know which one to sort out coz they are all wrapped together ...

    firstly I would say forgive yourself for any thing that happened when you were little ... you coped the only way a young brain could do ... getting through each day must have been such a struggle .. give that little girl a big hug ... tell her how brave she was ... and when those last memories of mum come into your head ... start thinking of a loving memory of her her when she was well .. remember that feeling .. how she looked and what she said ... keep thinking of that till the other memories you don’t want fade ... I do that about my dad ... I refuse to let the good memories go .. I’ll hold on to them every time I think of his last months ... 

    i bet your mum would be so proud of how her little girl is growing ... bet she would be the first to put her arms around you to try to stop you hurting so now ... so lovely lady be kind to your heart ... admit all these feelings were from a little girl who should have got a little more help back then ... thinking of you Chrisie and a big hug to that little girl and you now ... Chrisie ️ Xx

  • Hello A1m1y890, 

    [@Chriss]‍ has passed on some really wise words to you in her post. 

    And there's not much more I could add but I did want to let you know that there is an organisation that supports children who have lost a parent to cancer. They are called RipRap. You might like to check out their site. They also have a forum where you might be able to connect with other teenagers who have had similar experiences to you. 

    Be gentle with yourself Amy. You've taken a brave first step in admitting that you are struggling with loosing your Mum. 

    Sending you our best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator