Well its been 3 months sense my dad passed due to squamous cell cancer it all began in march 2017 when my dad had a small lump come up his neck but prior he told me he fell and hit his neck im not sure if it caused it or not but my dad didnt take much notice off it ...which was a mistake right there then the lump went away came back bigger then kind off went away at this point i told my dad he needed it checked but my dad being dad he said nothing to fuss over it got till the point were the lump had gotten bigger and his speech was slurred i forced him to the hospital on the 10th off april he had to stay in for tests and biopsies came the 13th they said they suspected cancer as the lump was a tumor and had 2 smaller tumors on the back off his but wouldnt know till tests came back what cancer it was and how aggressive it was and he was sent home so dad was discharged 2 days later i go see my dad and find a bag off blood and tissues and rush him to hospital turns out the tumor errupted due to the pressure build up he was kept in and i got a call 2 days after from hospital saying he was bad and they feared he wasnt going to make it as it errupted again and they had to give him powerful meds 1 being morphine and other being midazolam i got there and he was just laying there on oxygen not moving but he pulled threw and later said i aint dying son i want to go home and have a wee pint off cider his way off not letting me be scared and hiding his fear from me so next day he is moved to a ward he was kept in for a few days they finally got tests back and discovered it was squamous cell cancer stage for and was very aggressive so we were told 6 months or less i just cant get my head around how my dad went from a small lump in march to full stage 4 cancer in april with months to live my dad was sent home with pallative care arranged to come out and carers plus me and my brother taking it in turns to stay every night and my dad went downhill then uphill over the next month until one night 31st off may he was confused and distressed so my brother rang nurses they give him midazolam and i never got to speak to him again the next day 1st off june he was just sleeping came lunch time he became worse doctor came out and he said the words i didnt want to hear but my dad didnt have long left and i was given the decision to agree to syringe driver or not as my dad couldnt take meds orally but the catch was the doctor told me it could shorten his time but i didnt want to see him in pain or anything so i agreed and then later that night my dad passes on the 1st of june with me holding his hand just over a month off when we were told 6 months or less to live .. still to this day it kills me inside how the cancer came out off blue and was so aggressive and i cant accept how it could happen to my dad such a nice man i have flash backs when i close my eyes off him stopping breathing and me wondering if i forced him to hospital sooner would he had longer to live could they off saved him he was 68 and seems so young but every day is a battle for me facing the trouble off losing my mum suddenly 7 years previously and now this year losing my dad so quuckly when in febuary he was fine sorry for the long story i just wanted to share my experiance