Coping with our loss

Finding things tough with the recent loss of my brave mum.. she over came breast cancer and battled through treatment only to get secondary stomach cancer that sadly took her.. so hard

  • Hi smiffi30


    sorry to hear of the loss of your brave dear mum. Stay with us and we will help you through day by day week by week.

    i lost my dear dad 11 months ago after a brave battle with that horrible disease and I found coming on here supportive as we are all thinking and feeling the same.

    take care of your self

  • Hi all it is 4 weeks since i lost my gorgeous mum to lung cancer.  We are all still in shock.she was fine one minute then within 9 weeks of being diagnosed she passed away.  Brave and strong right up until the end somedays i feel like its a dream and will wake up and it hasnt happened.  Im ok one minute then it hits me and the tears flow.  I feel so tired most of the time but have broken is now seven weeks since i last was at work and feel i need to try and go back to give me something else to occupy my mind but when it comes to it am worried im not gonna be able to cope with people mentioning my mum or concentrate on anything.she was my mum and my best friend we were very close as was my daughtet who is 17 she was a co fidante for het if she felt she couldnt come to me. I worry about her too aswell as my dad.