


lost my mum to lung cancer on Monday and after the initial shock I now feel completely numb.


the funeral isn't for another 2 weeks which seems such a long time.

is it normal to feel this way? 

Many help would be appreciated x

  • Hi Chrissie,

    I am so sorry for the loss of your mother. I understand the feelings of numbness, shock and sadness. It is all normal and sometimes you may even feel relief, knowing your loved one isn't suffering anymore. Please know that I am praying for you and your family.  May God give you strength in your time of need.

    Laura x

  • I'm only 21 but when I lost my aunt who I was very close to 8 months ago, the feeling of numbness was unbearable. I still feel like that now when I think about her last few days, but it will all become more real and you will be able to feel a lot more after the funeral (somehow it felt more real to me after then). When I'm feeling like that, I just resurre myself that they are not in extreme pain anymore and that they are in a better place and that I will see her again one day.

    I wish you all the strength to get through this. Just keep reminded yourself, that she is no longer suffering. 


  • Thank you, it's such a strange state waiting for the funeral. It's like living in limbo. 

    I feel exhausted, can hardly keep my eyes open. 



  • Sorry 2 read about u mum my mum passed away Wednesday 2 August I got the funeral 14 Monday August I feel same as u my heart broken my mum died of bowel cancer take care x x 

  • Im so sorry about your mum. 

    Its the strangest feeling I have ever had, denial, shock and completely confused by it all.

    even tho we knew it was going 2 happen a massive part of me always thought she would get better. 

    Please do message me, it's comforting 2 know someone else is going through the same thing xxx

  • There is no normal really, we all react and cope differently, but numb is normal for me whenever I've lost anyone close to me. I didn't really get past the numbness until after my own Mum's funeral was over.

    Best wishes


  • Hi Chrissie80 I just send u friend request take care x 

  • It really is, and even when you're at your lowest and struggling just remember that our loved ones are no longer in pain, its a bit of reassurance and helps me a lot when I'm upset. 

    Take care of yourself x


    Hello Chrissie,

    I don't know how I have missed your posts, but I have just discovered your Mum's passing. My sincere sympathy on your loss. I hope that the funeral went well for you. It is always such a huge hurdle to overcome. Now that this is all over, you can gradually come to terms with your loss. People grieve in different ways and it can take some people quite a considerable time longer than others to accept what has happened.

    I lost my Mum to metastases fom breast cancer twenty years ago, and I still miss her every day. I always keep a photo of her in my living room. She has a wry smile in the photo and I always feel as if she is challenging me to do the best that I can.

    There will be times when you hear something and you think 'I must tell Mum that' and then it hits you once again that she is no longer here in person. I am fortunate, in that although I am not a very religious person, I still believe in the after life. I feel that Mum still watches over me and my family and that is of great solace.

    I am thinking of you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx