Coping with loss near a wedding

Hi Everyone,

My future father in law got diagnosed last year with terminal cancer (he had lynch syndrome so had cancer a few times before this). Sadly he lost his battle on Sunday and I feel devastated - ive known him quite a while, lived with him and thought of him as a father, of course my partner and mother in law are beyond devastated. I was there at the death with my mother in law as we stayed at the hospice 24/7, sadly my partner missed his fathers death as he was travelling back from being abroad on his stag (he went with his fathers blessing). I feel like I cannot tell them how I feel seeing my father in law die, it has really affected me but feel like I must be strong for them.

My partner and I are getting married in 3 weeks and wondered if anyone has dealt with losing a loved one so close to a wedding?


  • Hi Sasha, 

    I'm really sorry to hear your future father in law passed away just weeks before your wedding. I can't imagine how difficult this must be for you all and on behalf of the team here at Cancer Chat I want to offer you and your family our sincerest and heartfelt condolences.

    It can be very difficult speaking about the passing of a loved one as you are finding out. If you feel like you can't speak to partner's family about this how about your family or close friends? I'm sure they would want to do all they can to support you at this difficult time. You can also chat to us about what you have been through as our members will really understand how you are feeling having been in similar situations with their family members and I'm sure some of them will be along soon to offer their support and share their experiences with you.

    I have also included some information about coping with grief which I hope will be of some help to you at this time. 

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • My mum died 10 days before my niece was getting g married she was distressed about still having the wedding we told her to go ahead as we all needed something good to celebrate the only sad time was when she paid tribute to my mum her nan I cried she saw me and felt.bad but I told her I was crying because what she said was lovely and included my mum in the celebration. 


    I was devastated when my mum died of cancer as we were.very close.and I had taken of year off my work to care for her which I was ever grateful I could do as we got even closer. The wedding was lovely and my mum would have been overjoyed to see her grAnddaughter marry