6 months on, it still hurts.

My mum passed away on 26th December 2016 and I'm missing her more than ever right now.

It's such an overwhelming feeling. I just want to talk to her again, it's so unfair. It's been 6 months now and over the past 2 weeks i've been feeling really low again. I'd been coping really well up until recently. I just don't want to do anything, I just want my mum.

Sometimes i forget that she is gone and then it hits me again like a ton of bricks and I can't contain my emotions, it's like it's happening over and over again. I don't really want to talk to my dad about it because I don't want to bring him down. Everytime I try to talk about her I just break down. 

How do we ever go on? I want her back so much :(

  • I know exactly how you feel. My Mum died last month and I feel almost word for word like your email. It hurts so much.
  • What hurts the most is she was only 53. She had soo many years ahead of her but they were taken away from her and taken away from us. I'm 27 and I feel like i'm too young to lose my mum. 

  • Hi i lost my dad 10 months ago and I was only 17 he was 50, I still can get over, we all have good days and bad days, the best thing is to try and stay positive, our parents are amazing people and be with us forever and always and be lucky to think we've actually had a long time creating memories. We are in control of our minds and how we think and feel and do about it, just try and force a smile as hard as it can be get up and do summit thinking that's what our parents would want us to do, be happy as sad as the loss is. Stay strong I'm sorry for your loss 

  • I know, it's very hard. 27 is too young to lose your Mum. I'm throwing myself into charity now. My mother was older, but so full of life. I think we all need to club together and help to defeat this. Remember though, you are your mother's daughter, you will have her within you always. She's still there, looking out for you. I know my Mum is!

  • I just don't feel like doing anything. I'm almost angry at everyone for not helping her, for not keeping her healthy. I know it sounds awful but I just can't help it.

    I mean I have my routine, I go to work 5 days a week but anything outside that I feel I'm having to paint on a smile all the time and nobody really knows how I feel, I don't feel like I have anyone to speak too who will actually listen to how I feel.

    I just miss her so much, It's so hard not having her here and it's so so unfair :'( 

  • I'm terribly sorry for your loss, nobody in general should have to lose a parent but at such a young age I can imagine it must be so unsettling. 

    I've been trying my best to stay positive and to stay strong because I have too for my brother and my dad. My brother is 23 but he's very withdrawn and suffers a lot emotionally so I feel this has hit him even harder than it's hit me. I'm so tired of forcing a smile and leading everyone to believe i'm alright because i'm really not. Nobody asks how I feel and I don't feel like I have anyone I can speak too.

    I don't want to speak to my dad about how I feel because then it's suddenly all about him and how he feels. It's an awful thing to say but I want to express myself and be listened too and comforted I guess. My partner listens to me and cries with me but I can't shake this feeling away recently. I've been crying all week this week, I just don't know what's wrong with me lately.. 

    I hope you and your family are doing alright, well the best you can. Take care x

  • It punches me in the stomach at least once or twice a day. I think it's the finality of it. I go to work every day too and sometimes feel exhausted keeping up the "I'm fine" facade. Have you thought about joining an actual support group? I might do that, although I have a lot of mates who've sadly had the same experience. I feel so bad for you. You clearly miss your mother so much, but, that's why these forums are so important. We are here to support. 

  • It really is exhausting keeping it up at work. Sometimes I'm sat at my desk and I just want to burst into tears but I hold it in the best I can because I don't want to cause a scene. I've thought about it but i'm not sure if I could do something like that. I find it so difficult to talk about without breaking down, i'd be a complete mess all the time. She weren't just my mum, she was my best friend. She did everything for me and I did everything for her and to suddenly not have her in my life anymore just kills me. I'm glad these forums are here because I don't know how else to express myself. I really appreciate you taking the time to respond to my posts, thank you.

  • No problem at all. I'm just waiting for the point I fall apart too. I've been ok so far. Mum was very clear that she didn't want us to just give up. She faced the whole thing with such bravery. I'm not sure I could. From speaking to friends in the same position, you never forget, but the pain does ease as time moves on. I'm always happy to listen though, so fire away, I don't mind. I'll probably need somebody to listen too when it finally hits me!

  • It's strange because I had been doing so well, I suppose the 6 month anniversary came round real quick and it suddenly felt new again. You see my mum was terrified of dying. When she was first diagnosed in 2009 the first thing she said is 'Am i going to die?' and it just broke my heart. It was the last month or so last year when we were told there was nothing else they could do, she took a moment and cried her heart out in the hospital but then we came home and she told us she was dying but she seemed completely calm and I guess came to terms with what was going to happen.. Of course you never forget, I will never ever forget. My mum died at home so it was very difficult watching her slowly slip away, me and my dad nursed her until the end. 

    I'm always happy to listen and thank you again for listening.