Hi Everyone, I am very new to this and not sure if i will ever get over the loss of my mother but i feel as if i share her story i might get some answers to help me understand.
March 2016 my mother found a lump in her Breast and a week later had a biopsy done to test the abnormality, following a few days later my mother started to lose all sensation in the left side of her body meaning she was unable to walk properly or raise her arms etc. I took her to the hospital to eventually be told that my mother has a brian tumour!! This was obviously a shock as she had never suffered any symptoms at all. My mother had surgery to remove the tumour and was successful however the results showed that the cancer originally started from the Kidney! A month went by she fully recovered from the tumor was able to walk and we thought things were looking up until pains in her lower back and spine leaving her in agony we then found out it had spread to her spine!!!Being told that they was nothing that could be done apart from try to manage the symptoms etc.My mother got worse within weeks of not being able to walk due to her back collapsing from the radiotherapy on her spine she now spent months in a hopsital bed and passed away in September with the cancer spreading to her Lungs. I was told by her doctor she has 6 months or less but she passed away within a week. I dont understand how if she had metastic cancer why was i firstly told she had a year to live and also giving us pallative care but with my self not knowing the full meaning i was told pallative care it to help with symptoms and not end of life care.
For a few weeks my mother was not her self her personality changed and she was always sleeping and not eating but was told by doctors its the medication surely all the symptoms were there they must have noticed this considering she was going to be brought home in a few days so that i can look after her.
I just dont understand how the cancer had spread the way it had especially with my mother already having cancer in three different places the doctors must of known she hadnt had long why wasnt we told.
I know this may seem silly as to what i am saying but has anyone had a similar experience as i am struggling.
Thank you