
I lost my dad on Tuesday 27th June to pancreatic cancer and feel totally lost. I love him so much and can't imagine my life without him. I was there when he died which was very traumatic but I know he's out of the suffering and am happy for him as I know he's in heaven. I just feel lost and do t know what to do   I have a supportive family and know they are all suffering but I still feel so alone. I just want my dad back 

  • Miss my dad more than ever. Can't stop thinking about how he died. It's been 3 months and 1 day since I lost part of me. I'm empty and scared without him. Love you dad more than you could ever have known. 


    God bless xxxx

  • I remember chatting to you back in July, my dad died 3 days before. Yes it's been 3 months now and some days it does seem more difficult to grief. I've had my wobblers where I don't see the point of life anymore but deep deep down our dads would want us to be happy and achieve our dreams. They would be more upset to see the tears and sadness. What's really worked for me in this process is reiki. Maybe think about having some treatments? Also I find writing very therapeutic, I have a special journal where I write dad a letter every so often. My favourite saying in the world is " this too shall pass" the pain will get less but life will never be the same again . Be kind to yourself and take one day at a time. X

  • Hi bestdadever

    I can relate to how you feel, I found it harder as the months went on than at the time of my dad's passing, I think it was because everyone continues with life and all I wanted was for the fresh bereavement feeling to remain and  not become old feeling as it meant I had to move on with life myself, does this make sense?

    Only since I have approached 1 year remembrance in September can I feel free from guilt and replaying my dad's last few months and days in my mind, I think of my dad everyday but in a fresh happy sort of way now, although I do still get moments which I expect and want to get now and then. I also remember that my dad made me so I have in my genes and blood and often talk to him now when making a decision as do feel he helps me sometimes in my inner thoughts!.

    take care and keep posting as it does help x


  • Thank you for your lovely message your words really help. I just wish I could feel strong. I know in time I hopefully will. It's so lovely coming on here as everyone understands and has been through the same thing. It was dad 70th birthday Sunday I know he hated getting old so tried to focus on that. I'm going to start a journal and write about dad and maybe that will help


    thank you and god bless



  • Hiya. Yes you have explained exactly how I feel. I feel if I stop crying and grieving it means I'm moving on without dad and I don't want to. I miss him so much and can't bear the thought of life without him.  I'm going to try and sort myself out. Your words mean so much and truly help as I find it's only people who have been through it really understand. 


    Thank you 


    mary xxxxxx

  • Miss my beautiful dad more than ever. Just want to feel his big arms around me telling me everything will be alright. Can't wait to see you again dad 


    love mary xxxxx

  • Hi

    It has been a while since I have read or posted on this site. I lost my amazing dad July 2016 which may seem like a long time ago but it doesn't to me. I just wanted to reply as I felt (feel) just like you described and wanted to promise you it does get easier. When it first happened, I read a lot on this site trying to find any comfort or just to be with people that felt like me. It helped a lot and I would read that it gets easier etc etc and just wanted to be at that stage. I am now over a year. I have done all the "firsts", infact yesterday would have been Dads 74th birthday and our second without him. I understand your feeling of losing a part of you. My dad was not only my dad, but the most fun Grandpa, my best friend and my mentor and I literally struggled with my identity. I lost all confidence and had no interest in anything. I too was there at the end and it was brutal but Dad lived life to the max and I know he wouldnt want me to stop living mine. All you can do is take one day at a time. The "waves" of grief still come but as each month passes they become less frequent and easier to pick yourself back up from. I found councelling helped. Just being able to offload and cry and rant and not worry about speaking out of turn or offending anyone. I felt it helped with lots of things including understanding my role in where I stood in my mums life as I felt I was so consumed worrying about her and her grief that I wasnt dealing with my own. Be kind to yourself. Take care. Hope this waffling helped a bit. You are not alone xx

  • Hiya thank you for your beautiful message and it makes me feel better that I’m not alone in my feelings. At the moment it hasn’t got any easier and I miss Dad more than ever. Everyday is a struggle he was and still is my everything. The pain of losing him is as raw as the day god took him. Oh I’m sorry to go on just miss that wonderful man so much xxxxxx