My mum was diagnosed with lung cancer in May 2016. She had radiotherapy in September and the tumor had halved in size and she was doing well. In january 2017 she was taken to hospital as she was getting one chest infection after another. She would be fine for days and then the infection would hit her suddenly and she would be poorly for a day or so (she would get put on IV antibiotics and fluids) and then taken off everything and then days later it would happen again.
We got told on 7 April that she wasn't going to make it and they said she was nil by mouth - I was shocked because she seemed fine to me. She got fluids for a week or so then they stopped the fluids. My mum died on 23 April.
I am not coping at all. I have the same image going round my head all the time. All I see is my mum lying in a hospital bed fading away to nothing like she was being starved to death. She ended up about 4 stone. I am unable to think of any happy thoughts as this is what I visualise all the time.
Is this normal - has anyone else felt lie this. I watched my mum deteriorate for 16 days with no food and then about 7 days with no water. I just think this is cruel. My mum was unable to communicate with anyone and I don't understand how nurses etc know she didn't need food/water.