my mothers dying of cancer

I'm 16 years old and currently taking my gcses, 

my mother was diagnosed 2 years ago with liver cancer however got the all clear the beginning of this year. We were planning on celebrating with a long distance holiday e.g Thailand. However my world got turned upside down on march 17th 2017 mum was diagnosed with terminally ill cancer. I am struggling to cope with this scenario and the outcomes off it all as I'm so young and have so much to learn and share with my family but my best friend will not be by my side. I don't think I can describe the relationship between me and her there has never been arguing and we are like bestfriends,she knows everything about me and vice Versa. She's been put on steroids which have given her so much energy she is so normal. But that's the scary thing, as normal as she may be the ending is still the same. Seeing cancer adverts on tv would never make me think before it happened to my mum and now I wish I could do anything to raise money or awareness that it's happening today to people that least deserve it. I don't know how to accept this without breaking down all the time. Any help on how to deal with this would be more than appreciated 



  • Hi Hollyjane, 

    I'm really sorry to hear your mum's cancer has returned and that it is terminal. I can't begin to comprehend how tough this must be for you right now, especially being so young, but I wanted you to know that you are not alone. There are many members here that will really understand what you are going through right now and hopefully some of them will be along soon to offer their support and advice. 

    There is also a website you may want to have a look at called riprap which helps teenagers cope when a parent has cancer. They also have an online forum, like this one, where you can talk to other teenagers who are in the same position so do get involved as I think it will really help you at this time.

    Best wishes to you both, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi so sorry to hear you news about your mothers cancer. My mother has terminal lung cancer and we are talking days at best now. My daughter is 18 and whilst not having the closeness of you and your mother her nana is her best friend and she can confide in my mother things she could never tell us. She is heartbroken but she was 8 when her grandfather also passed away with lung cancer so she to a degree knows what to expect. She also breaks down at the thought of what is going to happen. But that is ok. Because she is going to loose someone she loves so It's ok to do that and she also talks to us,friends and her school counsiller about it. And that does help her. Sharing her feelings and fears help her through this difficult time. Especially speaking to people who are going through similar circumstances of a similar age to her by using forums as advised by Steph We found that hard as it is talking to her nana about it helps in the long term. She is able to tell her how much she loves her which will become so important to her in Years to come You will feel like you are alone and scared but there are many others feeling as sacred as you are. I am 48 and Inam scared at what is going to Happen But realising your never alone in this and never will be and sharing feelings with others in a similar position to you will help. And remember that being brave and strong is not just staying strong all of the time but it is also breaking down and shedding tears but then getting back up again Best wishes to both of you Kevl
  • Thankyou so much for telling me this, it's nice to know I am not alone through this tough time and it means even more to know that people of a similar age are going through this too, best wishes with you too Holly
  • Hi Hollyjane.       just want to say hope you are coping with everything and to remind you that you are never going through this alone 

    best wishes to you all 
