I'm miss my dad

my dad was diagnosed with lung cancer 7 years ago and was given 6 months to live myworld was torn apart but in saying this and 7 years later he was still with us but after a routine scan in July the cancer had come back and the only option was surgery which was successful in November 2016 he then became very poorly and was in and out of intensive care with phunemonia he had two cardiac arrest he never came out of hospital and lost his fight for life on 1st April 2017 he fought so hard but just couldn't take anymore he was 67 and had so many years ahead of him.I can't believe he is gone he loved my mum and sister and his 4 grandchildren so much I feel a part of me has gone with him and struggling with getting back to normality.

  • Hi, I'm so sorry for how you are feeling and I completely understand as I'm in the same boat entirely. I lost my mum 7 weeks ago after she went through brain surgery to remove a tumour which was secondary to cervical cancer 4 years ago. I was her supporter and carer and loved her with all my heart and was always in awe of how she coped and was so brave throughout. We thought she'd have a lot longer but she suddenly died in her sleep and it was a huge shock, I too feel like I've lost a part of me but I keep thinking of how she would want me to be brave and try to live my life. Big hugs to you because I know all to well how bloody hard this is xx

  • Hugs to both of you. 

    I also lost my mum aged 69 nearly two weeks ago from an adverse reaction to her chemotherapy. She suffered terribly before she died and those images keep flashing through my mind like an awful film. 

    I am completely devastated and lost at sea as she was my best friend and I was her carer for the past year. 

    I know my mum would want me to be strong and live my life and be happy, so in honour of her I am determined to look after myself and get through this. She was a fighter so I will fight on for her. 

    All the best to you both at this difficult time from this horrendous disease. 

  • Oh how I feel your pain so very much! You sound like an amazingly loving and strong daughter and I'm sure you're mum would be so proud of you. I like you will continue to fight every day and be strong as my mum was. Much love ️ x
  • Thank you Charlotte. Both our mums would want us to carry on and enjoy our lives. We will have up and down days - that is natural but they would truly want us to carry on with the values and love they gave us shaping our futures.

    Lots of love and strength to you. Your mum sounded wonderful and she certainly left a loving and beautiful daughter. 

  • She was the most wonderful and loving person as im sure your mum was too. Words cannot express my loss as I'm sure you know too well.

    you are so right and we need to try and carry on with our life's and live life as best we can. Sending you strength and love xx