Mammy died a week after being diagnosed with bladder cancer

My mammy who was 77 passed away on 16 March 2017. Resident in a nursing home she had been admitted to hospital on 7 March 2017 as she was haemorrhaging. I was with her when her scan showed a massive tumour on her bladder on 9 March 2017. I've already lost my daddy on 19 April 1988 as a result of a chest infection brought on after several strokes and I've also lost a sister on 12 November 2009 to pancreatic cancer. I'm totally devastated...

  • Hi Rosebee, 

    I'm so sorry to hear about your mammy and on behalf of the Cancer Chat team I just wanted to stop by and offer you our condolences.

    It can be a huge shock when someone passes away so soon after diagnosis but I wanted you to know you are not alone. Many members here have been in a similar situation and hopefully some of them will be along soon to offer their support and do all they can to help you through this difficult time.

    Our thoughts are with you Rosebee.

    Kind Regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator