Memory Bears

I recently lost my nanna to a short 6 week battle against acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. It was absolutely heart and soul destroying, she was my world and basically my second mum.

Since losing her, I've really struggled with my emotions. I've felt angry, sad, alone and guilty for even feeling the tiniest bit happy.

I've now finally starting feeling myself again, and every milestone is getting slightly easier. We've managed the first Christmas, the first mothers day and we celebrated what would have been her 70th birthday yesterday.

Whilst looking around on the internet for help to grieve, I found a memory bear. I mentioned it to my mum, who then made me the most amazing and sentimental bear I've owned. It's made out of my nanna's top and trousers from the last photo I ever had with her, summer of last year.

I have it on a shelf in my lounge next to her photo, and I feel like I have a little bit of her with me all the time.

It's been a god send! My mum has now made a bear and cushions for our closest family members, along with some for my friend who's grandad recently passed from his clothes. It's bringing her immense joy to make these creations and it's bringing the customers happiness to be able to have an item of their loved ones clothing without hoarding a wardrobe!

If any of you are interested, then please do message me and I will see what my mum and I can do!

We hope that this may make the loss of your loved one the smallest bit easier. xx

  • Hi Laura

    This is an absolutely lovely thing to do and was something my daughter arranged when my hubby passed away. She found someone local to us through 'googling' and ended up with three bears (one for herself and one each for her boys) which all have names related to her Dad(their grandad).  After my hubby passed away we all went through the emotions you mentioned (sometime still do) but having the bears made out of my hubby's suits gave them  a focus in some small way.  When my latest grandchild was safely born to our son and his now wife, my daughter also had a memory bear made for her as she will learn all about the grandad she never knew through us.

    I wish you well with continuing the project for others and thank you for sharing it on the forum. Jules54

  • Hi Jules,

    I'm glad that the memory bears have brought comfort for your family, just as it has for myself.
    What a lovely idea to have got another made for your new grandchild! I'm sure you have some wonderful  stories that you will enjoy telling!
