Just why?

After a 4 year battle my partner loss his battle with cancer , I take great comfort in he is no longer suffering with pain or the palative  chemo that made him feel awful the last few months.... but just why? Why did he have to die , why did he have to leave us.... life is sooo empty and grey even the recent spring time sunshine doesn't even raise a smile to my face I just feel so empty and lonely .... and soooo cold I sit a shiver with how cold I feel . 


  • Hi Cazzie, I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your partner to this horrible, cruel disease. I understand exactly what you are going through. I lost my wonderful husband Kevin 20mths ago & although the initial pain has got easier, the sadness of life without him hurts every day. But everyday we get up and face the day ahead and somehow my love we get through it. Small steps Cazzie. Some forward and alot back, but you will come out the other side. Please keep writing your hopes and fears here, because I've been helped enormously by the kind words of people who know exactly how we and alot more are feeling. Sending big hugs.....love Peach. X