Hi my dads passed away 3 years ago today it been 3 years since he was taken from me but I am only 19 and he died on my 15th birthday but the doctors told him he had 5 types of cancers and there was nothing to help him it was just to late so he had 6 months to live when I was born but he didn't let me go to my 15th birthday but when I was born he made 3 wishes to me and wasn't going to give up and let go to he see the wishes he promise me all my life to I was 15 I see my dad die and dieing in front of me all me life he died 5 times in front of me it was the hardest thing I ever had to go though and I couldn't even play football with him or eat food with him I could not really do anything with him but on my 15th birthday he seat me down and said son it's time to let myself go now I got the wishes I wants that day he said bye to me and then the next day I went to see him and when I got there he was dieing he died in my arms that day the 3 wishes was 1 to see me walk 2 to see me talk and 3 to see my 15th birthday then let go it was the hardest thing I ever had to go through it's been 3 years and I anit let it hit me but now it's hit me I don't understand what people are going though but I have been though a lot and I think I can help people