I see all the posts about people losing their mums and it makes me very sad as i have been through it myself. I lost my mumto cancer in 2009 and to be honest its like yesterday. Things have moved on i dont go to the grave as much as i did, but it does not stop me missing her. Its a strange feeling I a 48 year old man with my own wife and family and yet the void in my life is as big as ever. She was the only one that I could speak to about all my issues appear to not be listening to a word im saying, offer little or no advice and sit on the fence, but at the same time make me feel a 1000 times better. My advice to everyone is look after your mum you only have one (Usually) and once they are gone you cant get them back. I assure you you dont need mothers day to treat them special make it a mothers day everyday.