How do I prepare my daughter for heart break?

My sister and my daughter's aunt who lives in Australia has metastatic breat cancer (it has spread to her bones).  She was diagnosed 18 months ago and although she is doing really well at the moment, I would like some advice on how to prepare my daughter (and myself) for when Aunty Jacki's health starts to fail.  We live so far away from my family and we don't get to see her very often so it's possible that she will have deteriorated by the time we next get to visit.

Your advice would be greatly appreciated. x

  • Hello MrsGolly, and welcome to Cancer Chat. 

    I'm sorry to hear that your sister Jacki has metastatic breast cancer. I can completely understand that you'd like to think about preparing yourself and your daughter. You've come to the right place to talk to others who are going through similar experiences - I hope you're able to find some discussions here that help. 

    We also have some information on the website about Talking about cancer, which includes some guidance on talking to children. Our nurse helpline is also available if you'd like to chat to someone in confidence - you can reach them on 0808 800 4040.

    Wishing you and your family all the very best,


    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Dear Helen,

    Thank you for your message and for providing information where I can go to access help and support.  x