My beautiful sister passed away in December, from a short but bravely fought battle with cancer. She was diagnosed with saliva gland cancer and had a ten hour operation to remove this along with the nerves in her face. However a few weeks later it returned with a vengence and spread to her lungs, brain and pretty much every where in between. From the time of her op, she wasn't seen unitl 5 weeks later, as the docs said that she wouldn't need radiotherapy as they had got it all. She went to a routine appoinment and came away with a terminal diagnosis! She was gone in a few weeks. I am so angry as I feel so much more could have been done to help her, why wait for five weeks?! She was only in her40's and I am not sure how to move on from this. I feel like she was cheated and if only she had been seen sooner there might have been a chance.