i lost my daugther Kayleigh to bowel cancer 4 years in June. kayleigh was 23 when she died and i miss her so bloody much
i lost my daugther Kayleigh to bowel cancer 4 years in June. kayleigh was 23 when she died and i miss her so bloody much
Hi Lesley I too am so sorry for the loss of your Son. It has neeen nearly 4 years that I lost my darling Angel. I wish I could say it gets easier but it don't we just have to learn to live our day witmh our heartache. I must admit for me it has got harder. My other daughter Stephanie is 21 and has special needs so she's what helps me carry on everyday. I started a charity ball in her memory for our local hospice where Kay died and for Clic Sargent a young adult cancer trust a year after Kayleigh died. It gives me something to focus on and keeps her memory alive and also helps raise funds for other families.
Much love to you and your family xx feel free to message me if you need to vent xxx