Losing my dad to the worst disease in the world

My dad was diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer in October 2015 it had spread to his bones an lymph nodes we went thru a year of chemo and radio and bone strengthening treatments and hormone treatments and blood tests and consultant appointments outpatient appointments in fact the more i think about it he never lived the last year of his life it was built around medical appointments and him going through hell.  On 13 December 2016 his consultant told him there was nothing more they could do as his platelettes were so low (the cancer was in his bone marrow where platelettes were produced) on 23 december my dad suffered a traumatic brain bleed due partly to the bloods inability to clot and his mental wellbeing following the news my dad went into a deep unconsciousness and christmas was spent in critical care my dad did wake between 30 december and 19 jan he wasnt my dad although i savoured the fact that i could talk to him again my dad died on 24 jan 2017 and i am seriously struggling to cope not only has he gone but we were denied precious moments with him we were told with the latest treatments he could last up to 10 years we had 1 year and now hes gone i watched him die holding his hand and wonder if i will ever ever recover from this cancer is the most horrible disease in the world but for about 15 years i have donated to cancer research why is it still the biggest killer? how have they combatted HIV and aids and not this? it should be a no brainer but we will continue to lose loved ones through this horrible disease they will never figure out cancer at least not until they have made enough billions from the research

  • Hi, I lost my dad to the same horrible disease just over a week ago. He was diagnosed with terminal and incurable metastic prostate cancer a year ago today, and he died on 17th January. He also spent all of his last year attending numerous medical appointments - he had hormone therapy, and he did start abiretrone in December but it was too late and therefore had no effect on him. He had a rare aggressive form of prostate cancer. Initially he was told it was terminal with a life expectancy of 1-5 years. It had already spread to his lymph nodes and lungs. Then in August it had spread to his spine, then end of November to Xmas he went downhilll rapidly and we took him to hospital and he was told it had spread to his liver and bowels. Then he spent 3 weeks in hospital from 27th Dec up to his death on 17th January. He kept having numerous infections in hospital that he couldn't fight off and none of the treatments and antibiotics were working. His last 3-4 days he was in a deep sleep, then luckily an hour before he died at 430am, I thankfully woke up and checked on him and noticed his breathing had changed and me, my mom, my sister and my dads sister/my auntie were all around him when he took his final breath. It was traumatic to watch but I wouldn't had forgiven myself if he died alone. I couldn't get the image of him actually dying and his dead body after he died, out of my head. But I'm also glad that we were all around him on his final breath. The hospital wouldn't allow us to visit outside of normal visiting hours until 2 days before he passed away. So he spent most of his final days in the ward alone with other patients were looked much better than him and who were being discharged every day. His funeral is next week which I'm absolutely dreading. Everyone made out that prostate cancer is one of the 'good' cancers and thought my dad would have years yet but this just goes to show that prostate cancer can also creep up on you out of nowhere and kill you just like that. My thoughts are with you xx