
After joining the discussion in October of last year and my mum's lung cancer diagnosis, sadly about 2 weeks after my post she passed away. I am grateful that at least they got the Meds right in the end, and she passed without pain, but it was and still is such a hard time, and people assume that once you have the funeral that you should go back to functioning again as though it was nothing, I function most of the time but still feel the loss. Admittedly I don't feel like I'm going through the motions anymore, I just feel like I'm drowning in the emotional hurt of her passing. I know this is normal just wish it easier to deal with. Has anyone got any coping mechanisms that will make these early days easier.

  • Hi I lost my mum new years day and it feels like yesterday I cry all the time I can't talk about her I'm avoiding my friends incase they mention her to me I sometimes have an ok day but very rare I find going for a run or the gym takes my mind elsewhere even though it's just for a very short time it's there,I'm out on my own nobody telling me I'll get over it and it will be ok or be strong, We collected her ashes today and I was a mess It felt like day one again all the emotions just came flooding back I came on here so I could find comfort by talking to other people who know exactly how I feel and don't keep telling me to keep strong because at times like these it's the last thing I feel

  • Sorry to hear that, I know exactly how you feel, sadly I'm like you not far along on this journey. I am looking at going back to work, as I'm not very sporty, and think the distraction will help. But it's at night when I miss her the most, at 9pm I would take her home, see her in and safe, it's that period of the evening that still troubles me when I forget and get myself ready to take her home and then realise she is home, in an urn here with me. I know that I'm no where near ready to let her go yet (if ever). People are clumsy in the way that they try to say the right thing at the right time, even if to you it's the wrong time, at least it shows you they care and in time. I'm here if you ever need to chat about things too from the prospective of going through it too.