My Dad finally died

My Dad had lung cancer for a year, he started to deteriorate around October, and he was in and out of hospital, me and my sister lived miles away so it was really taking it out of us driving up and doesn't the motorway. Having our own busy lives made it so hard but I at least managed to see him every week. 

He had to go into a nursing home in the end for the last 5 weeks, he just couldn't manage in his own in the end and we couldn't be there 24/7 . He was happy there though u hear some horrendous stories about these homes but this was lovely and they did look after him and us really well. 

On his/ last day which was 29th December, he just deteriorated so much, it was an awful day, he didnt want to die and he was fighting to live it was awful to watch, but when he did finally pass, he looked really peaceful. It was almost a relief though very sad! I can't believe I lost both my mum and dad to lung cancer.