Feeling Poorly

Hi, I lost my partner 4 months ago after a 2 year battle with ovarian cancer. The tears have stopped, I'm all alone, no family near, and friends are an hour away, and we all work. But I'm feeling like I have the flu, always tired, and could sleep all the time. I'm not happy with myself, or within myself, proper fed up really. I'm trying to do all the positive things, go out, meet friends etc etc, but. Any shake the impending doom feeling. Is this normal...... starting to worry, which is making it worse.

  • Hi Proper,

    Sorry that you lost your partner. Sounds to me like you are depressed, this can cause the feelings you currently feel including the tiredness. I have suffered from depression for a long time, even before losing my mom to cancer, and somedays I didn't even want to get out of bed.

    The worst thing you can do is keep how you feel to yourself, please talk to your GP about it. He/she may put you on some anti-depressants which can help keep you on an even keel.

    God Bless x


  • Hiya

    I am sorry to hear of your loved ones passing. My mum passed away 5 weeks ago and it's very difficult.

    Please don't turn to anti depressants - overall they just mask problems, instead if you can please focus on something you like doing.

    living one moment at a time.