What do I do now?

I lost my wonderful mum to cancer at 00:22am on 2/1/17. She first had lung cancer in 2011, got through that, and was diagnosed with secondary brain cancer in November 2015, had an experimental surgery straight away, and then had the tumour removed in July 2016. And she got 5 more brain tumours in October. It was so quick! I knew it would come back but she deserved a lot more time than that. She has been declining so much over the last month and me (21), and my dad have both taken carers leave and did all we could for her. In the last 2 weeks we had to get a hospital bed at home as she didn't have the strength, knowledge, or coordination to get up stairs, or around the house, or use the toilet. 

She passed away yesterday morning, I walked into the living room where she was, my older brother (23) was asleep on the sofa, dad was asleep upstairs, I saw two deep breaths and then her pain stop. I kissed her head, closed her eye, and woke my family up to tell them.

What am I meant to do now? How am I meant to feel? I've not known a day in my life where I haven't seen or at least spoken to mum once a day, even when I was away at university! I've just got engaged in September, I don't know if I can plan the wedding knowing she won't be there. I don't know what to say to my dad, how do I make it better for him? Mum made everything better for us all! I've lost my mum, my inspiration, my best friend. 

  • Hi nick, I'm so sorry for your loss. My father passed away yesterday morning also. I feel the same as yourself, quite lost and unsure where to go from here. All I'm sure of is that his pain is over and he's at peace. Try and find comfort in knowing you where there when she passed on. I held my father's hand as he went and initially that was my nightmare situation but I'm so glad that I stayed and seen him at peace. Take each day at a time, if it gets hard take it hour by hour. Talk of the good times, remind yourself of the happy memories and time will do the rest. 

  • Hi Char_rahc, thankyou for your reply. I am too so sorry for your loss. Perhaps for both of us it will just get better with time, although it seems that it will never get better. I take comfort knowing that I was with my mum when she went, and I hope you do the same. We got to see our loved ones finally at peace, and send our love to them one more time.

  • Thank you for replying nick nd thank you for your sympathy. Time is the altermate healer, things will never be the same again but the pain will fade over time. I wish you loads of luck and hope you have a lovely wedding. I'm sure your mum will be there on your big day! If you need a chat you can message me on here I know how hard It gets sometimes. 

  • I'm so sorry for your loss. It was similar with my dad, we knew his cancer would come back but hoped he'd get time before it did, in the event after his first treatment it came back within months.

    My dad died in November so I am a bit futher on than you. I'm not sure I have great advice though about what you do next. Just getting through each day is enough I think. Ordinary life does keep going (which drives me crazy) and has a way of sweeping you up. I took a week off work but then went back as being home was not actually helping. You absolutely should plan your wedding, throwing yourself into something happy might help a lot. And I'm sure your mum would want you to. 

    My dad was really the rock for me and my siblings (parents divorced). We always knew whatever we did we could always go to him for help. Losing that has been so hard, and I'm in my late 30s with kids so really should be standing on my own two feet anyway! But it was so reassuring knowing we had someone always there for us. We made a promise to be that for each other instead. Maybe you can do that for your family too? If you all pull together you can bridge the gap she leaves.

    As I said to Char-rahc on another thread, there will be good days and bad days ahead. Just keep getting through them. xx

  • Hi nick

    my thoughts and love  go to you and your family for the loss of your dear mum.

     I lost my dear dad in September after a 9 month battle for Advanced unknown cancer so am 4 months further on and have experienced special occasions without my dad.

    I took my dad each week to chemo, cooked him what I thought was cancer fighting meals and took him anywhere he needed to,go, so I put my own plans on hold just to get my dad through this, which was not to be so it hit me harder than my siblings I feel.

    I took one day at time and concentrated on each day and supporting my mum and started making small plans to look forward to, as my dad would have wanted life to,go,on. 

    Plan your wedding, talk to your mum and take each day just how you feel, some days will,be ok and others will be sad but just keep planning stuff that will make you feel comfortable . I have started doing and going out to usual places but it feels right . Your mum will always be with you  and part of you. 

    Take care