I would just like to say a huge thank you to everyone on this wonderful site, not sure I would have got through Christmas without you all on here, the support given to everyone is wonderful xxx
We are doing the best we can here, not easy at anytime of year but when Bank holidays are also there to contend with it seems harder, my son has now arranged his dads funeral for the 12th of January which was the earliest date he could secure. I am keeping an eye on my son as he is very quiet today but that is to be expected, have told him I am here 24/7 if he needs to talk or just needs anything, he wants to do a speech at the funeral so is thinking about that, he has also decided on family flowers only and donations to Cancer Research.
It will be my birthday on the 13th January so going to ignore it this year, no one will be in any mood to celebrate so soon after the funeral.
I wish you all a peaceful evening xxx