What it felt like - did he know

my dad passed away almost five years I when I was 20.

he had lung cancer but was doing well - getting around independently - he had a sudden haemorrhage.

i just really need to know what it would have felt like and if he knew what was happening.. did he panic? Did he have time to fear the worst or think of us? 

I really need someone to be honest with me (as possible - I appreciate none of us can know what it is like for real) but I'm tired of being told 'it would have been very quick' sympathetically 

thank you all. 



  • Adelerose,

    I am so sorry for the loss of your father. The only thing I can tell you is my own near death experience. I was having traumatic blood loss and was dying, I could hear people around me but I couldn't talk or move. Blood pressure had tanked to just about nothing. During this time, I knew I was dying and I didn't mind. I felt this wonderful calm, I was peaceful. Happy.No pain, no fear. I didn't think of  my family, what I had left undone, nothing like that.  I was revived, and I am grateful. It has changed me, though. I don't want to die, but I have less fear of it. I don't know if it is the same for everyone but I hope this eases your mind somewhat.

    Laura P


    Im not a medical expert but based on my experience, hemorrhage can be very painful and can lead into shock by then you just dont feel anything.

    Running out of breath (asphyxiation) is a bit more frightening unless maybe if you are heavily sedated, (im not sure because i have yet to experience such circumstances), because it gives you time to struggle for life and you are aware that youre kinda helpless, but when you black out you just dont feel anything.

    Blood lose (and probably stroke) is a bit of a weird experience because aside from the intense pain of injury (which personally i end becoming oblivious to) you just feel kinda sleepy, your body feels like its getting light or floating, its actually a very calm experience. Im guessing at this point the brain is shutting out individual functions one at the time, you may end up having a dream-like state which may either calm you down or make you delirium and confused.