Tomorrow will mark the second Sunday since my best friend has passed. It all still feels so surreal. Am I stupid, I still text her.... It helps me through....Today her husband visited me, what can I say to him, how can I make it easy. I do my best. I'm given jewellery I bought her, back her daughter doesn't want it, she won't wear it she says... I thought she'd keep it as a a keep sake, her mother loved her tiffany bracelet. She could have given to her granddaughter when she came of age. Something to say this was your nans, you were to little to remember her but we have photos of her holding you wearing it. I have it now, I'll put it in my memory box. I'll treasure it instead. I miss her. She would want me to carry on enjoy life, smile. I will do my best. It's hard. But I will try. I'll find one thing at least to smile about, a genuine happy smile.