Struggling with loss

My husband had throat cancer 5 years ago and as of last November he was all clear.  He was ill over Christmas and in January spent a week in hospital.  By 3rd March he was diagnosed with Oesophageal cancer stage 4 with metatasis to lungs. A primary in lungs sn d in Iliac bone. We were told it was terminal. It was devastating news. I cared for him at home with help of  uraes and carers .  Seeing him deteriorate was the mist distressing and heartbreaking time.  He spent last t weeks I'm hospice who were amazing. I was with him whfn he passed away which I am grateful for. Even though I knew what was ahead the loss is overwhelming .  I feel lost. Suddenly it's just me, an independence I'm not used to. Tears come put of nowhere .I have 2 amazing daughters who are staying with me at the moment. It's hard believing he doesn't exist anymore.  Last Friday we went to Devon to scatter his ashes.  A promise I kept. Our favourite place.  We had 38 years together.  Met when I was 19 so have never been on my own.  I'm glad he's at peace now but the loss is huge.  Half of me is missing. Can't imagine being happy again. I'm sure in time I'll be ok.  Have close famity and friends and will be back to work in January. It's a big adjustment to a new life. Baby steps I suppose.  Day at a time.

  • Hi Paulaanne, 

    I'm really sorry to hear about the loss of your husband and on behalf of the Cancer Chat team I just wanted to offer our condolences to you and your family.

    It's understandable why you may be feeling lost but I just wanted to let you know you are not alone. Many members on the forum will really understand how you are feeling at the moment having gone through the grieving process themselves and I'm sure they will reply soon to offer their support. In the meantime I have found a discussion on the forum that may help you at this time. Do feel free to post and introduce yourself as I'm sure our members there would love to hear from you and help you through this difficult time. 

    Kind Regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hello Paulaane an sorry for your loss.I lost my husband 7 weeks ago he died4 weeks after being diagnosed with cancer he didn't die of the disease but of a heart attack which has left me in shock.our feelings are normal and in time I am sure we will still feel the loss but will be able to cope better with it.your daughters seem very supportive, I have two daughters age 20 and 24 young I know but they just want to carry on as normal,the youngest has just had a baby and moved away I feel this is very quick but what can I do its her life but I feel so alone.I m ok when in the house but find it really hard when I go out as I just burst into tears  and feel so embarressed