It's been a month & now baby is looking for her dad...

About a week ago, baby started looking around with persistance. At the supermarket she would stare at all men, at the doctor's waiting room she started smiling at dads... She ignored most women, she interracted with other babies but she definately stared at men. She got sad, wouldn'y eat... She got sick... She is 9 months old... I don't know what to do...

  • Hi Umemboshi,

    I am sure that babies are more aware of what is going on than we care to acept.

    Some time after i was born my real father who was Canadian came back from fighting the war in Italy. He only spent a short time with us as he was bieng sent back to Canada by the canadian army.

    I stopped eating a lot of foods that I had been eating before which worried my mother and family. No one has ever been able to explain why and I dont have a clue or even remember what happened. All I can think is I must have been aware of him going back just like your little one seems to be aware her dad is missing from her life.

    Thanks for sharing and hope she starts eating normally again soon. Sending best wishes and kind thoug.hts, Brian

  • I am so sorry for your loss! I can't imagine how difficult it must be for you looking after a baby as well as mourning the loss of your husband. I don't have any children myself but can imagine she was used to seeing a male face.

    Do you have a friends who can help support you?

  • Hello Nelly,

    Thank you for your message. I have a few friends who try to come and visit us.... No family...

    I have a male friend who is visiting form abroad and who is trying to come and see us once a week... But in a couple of months he will go back home and the baby will miss another male figure...