Practical advice please - form filling following bereavement


Following far too short a time (four months exactly since the diagnosis), my father passed away on Tuesday afternoon, thankfully surrounded by his family and as peacefully as possible.

We are now dealing with the practical side of things and have come across a question on the form BD8, which is to be sent to the Department of Work and Pensions. One of the questions asks 'did the person die in a hospital?'. My father died in a hospice, and we are not sure if this means we should tick yes or no. If we tick yes, should the date he went into hospital be the date he went to the hospital, or the date he was transferred to the hospice? I've googled, but had no luck as it only shows what hospices do and we already know that!

Anybody have any experience with this and could give some advice? There may be more questions to come as we fill in more of these forms!

  • My husband died in September and I rang work and pensions to notify them regarding his pension. I found them really helpful and the man dealt with at all over the phone for me because I needed to sort my own pension entitlement for the change in my circumstances. Have you tried ringing them hopefully they will be as helpful towards you. 

    Regards Sandra. 

  • Hi Sandra,

    I hadn't tried to call yet, partly because it was late and I wasn't sure they'd be open and partly because you can never be too sure how helpful government agencies are going to be. Good to know you had a good experience.  Thank you.

  • Hi,

    I've found that the local MacMillans benefits advisor has been able to help deal with the bureaucratic side of things.

    Just a thought


  • Hi When my dear father passed away in September , I to had to contact the relevant depts and found when I phoned the pension people that they were obviously very well trained in grievance situations as the person I dealt with was extremely sincere and very softly spoken, actually so softly spoken and kind that it bought me to tears while on the phone .