3 weeks on


Have been reading through some of the posts for some direction and also to confirm my feelings.

I lost my wife Laura who was 42 on 2nd November this year, she had battled with bowel cancer for 3 years and we found out last August that this was terminal. I said goodbye last Friday at her funeral though just feel lost, we had been together for 25 years and have 2 children 17 & 19. I done her clothes and cleared through the house the weekend though now feel guilty and that people may judge me for doing so so soon, I just woke up Saturday after the funeral and it felt the right thing to do?

Lauras parents are still with us and along with her brothers i have support, even though she was in hospital for the 3 weeks before her passing and spent most of this year in bed  i feel strange not having her by me, we would chat every evening on my retun from work and go through our day, i just feel when i come home that the house has no meaning, literally it is just that, a house and not a home anymore.

It has helped reading through the posts and seeing that we all deal with things in diefferant ways, just not sure how i should deal with?

  • Hello vince I am so sorry for your loss, it's hard isn't it to come to terms with things and to just keep going when it all seems so meaningless with your other half there with you, I lost my husband in September an d know just how you are feeling. 

    I also cleared John's things quite quickly after he died, it hurt me to do it but I think it would have hurt worse to leave them and have the awful task looming over me. As far as what others think try not to think about it, we all have to do these things in our own way grief is a very personal thing, it's you that is having to come to terms with major changes in your life that you didn't ask for and definitely didn't want. 

    I have had a lot of support from family and friends and sometimes their advice has been invaluable, but also sometimes I find my thinking what do they know they aren't in my position! I just take it all on board and do my own thing anyway, I do realise that folk try desperately to help and make me feel better but only time is going to do that, same for you. 

    Same for you life is going to be hard for along time, be kind to yourself. Like you I had put my own life down to care for john and have no regrets about that he would have done the same for me, but your right it's hard to pick things up again, I too find home feels an awful lot different now and I can't bear the silence,, I put the radio on when I get up and it plays most of the day just to hear another voice around, and I make sure I go out somewhere every day to break up the long hours. 

    It's very early days for you, I do hope you start to feel more settled soon. Come on here you will always find someone who understands. 

    Best wishes Sandra.