I am gettting married tomorrow and my Dad is in his final days and could go at any moment. He is on morphine and nothing else. I feel very anxious that he will die tomorrow on my wedding day. I dont actually know what to do whether to cancel or go ahead, and also what to do if we get a call tomorrow that he is on his way out. Mum is going to leave the wedding to be with him, and so will my uncle so that leaves my partner and I to decide if we leave or carry on. I feel like the joy of this whole wedding is gone. It's such a devastating thing to lose my Dad and to have this wedding thing as well on top of it makes it worse. All this week I have spent at the hospital instead of doing wedding prep. I am going to miss him so much that I can't possibly be happy tomorrow and smile for the cameras. It is an impossible situation.
Thanks for reading,