Lost my husband to Rhabdomyosarcoma

Hi, lost my amazing husband in June he had Rhabdomyosarcoma of the prostate, we have 2 little boy's aged 3 and 11 months.

Andy was 37 when he died, miss him so much.

  • Emma I am so so sorry for your loss, I cannot imagine how you are feeling right now. I lost my husband to prostate cancer in September and I have really wretched days, but John was 73 and we had been together for 30years so I have some wonderful memories of our life together and that does console me. Your situation is terrible, life is cruel sometimes isn't it,  I hope you have got some support from family and friends, accept any help you are offered and try to be kind to yourself, life will be hard but try and hang on to the good times you both shared and hopefully in time to come you will find peace. Meanwhile I hope you find some joy in your 2 beautiful children. 

    Sending a big hug to you all. Sandra. X