My mum passed away a week last Friday

What a horrible year it's been my mum was diagnosed last xmas she was told it was terminal brain tumour,and cause we thought she beat breast cancer we also thought she could beat this,she went for radiotherapy treatment but she was getting tired and could hardly stand up we just thought it was the radiotherapy but no she was slowly deteriorating,it was so hard to see my mum like this and a week last Friday she had taken her last breath and passed away 

  • So sorry for your loss Vicki. I lost my mum 11 months ago. One minute she was in remission and then the next it had returned. They told my mum there was nothing more they could do. They said it could be a week months or a year. Exactly a week later she was gone. The day she died I know her time had come. It was heartbreaking seeing her slip away but shes now at peace and painfree. I miss her terribly. X
  • I'm so sorry for your loss. It is so difficult to lose a mom... I can't even understand how the world can go on without the most important person for us...

    Before my mother died of cancer I asked her how she felt. She said, " I'm going to be okay but you, all of you, it's going to very tough on you girls and your father."

    She added: " don't you come and cry on my grave (meaning every day after the funeral) ! Be happy. "

    Isn't it the hardest thing to do after such a tremendous loss?... It takes so much time and work to actually feel better... But please take care of yourself. You must know, my mother got cancer after her own mother died... and my sister got MS after our mother died... so please, please take care of yourself.