losing my dad- I miss him so much.


My beloved dad passed away on 15th October 2016. He was only diagnosed with lung cancer 4 months earlier on the 15th June. He decided to have chemo and after his fourth treatment has was so tired he caught pneumonia and couldn't fight it off. I am absolutely devastated that my dad has been taken so quickly from us. He was such a lover of life and was adamant he was going to fight it as much as he could. I can't come to terms with him being here one minute and not anymore. He had a wonderful funeral last Monday where over 200 people paid tribute to him, He was such a popular person it made me so proud. I am going back to work tomorrow to try and get some normaility back to my family and children. I am 37 year and had my birthday this week which was so hard to get through. I feel so sad for my mum being alone and grieving so muc but still being so strong for everyone else. I am cross that the chemo in a way killed him and he spent his last few months having treatment - for what?

I can't get over that I won't be able to touch or talk to him again. I want the pain to stop but can't see how at the moment.

  • so so sorry..hugs to you!  I lost my amazing father a month ago today and it is the hardest thing i ever went through.  i can tell you that with me...the shock and denial set it after the diagnosis.  i was numb and went through the motions and tried not to cry in front of my dad.  i am now grieving and still continue to...it will get easier..i know this.  i am reading a really good book and it says that depression and sadness when we greif is our bodys way of protecting us from a situation we cannot handle.  if you feel like you can cry..let it out..it helps so much even though you may not want to go there.  we just kinda shut down and feel numb sometimes, then cry so hard we can hardly breath.  please knw you are not alone and i also want you to know i have huge faith that my dad is in a place that we all want to be someday!  god bless