My beloved dad passed away on 15th October 2016. He was only diagnosed with lung cancer 4 months earlier on the 15th June. He decided to have chemo and after his fourth treatment has was so tired he caught pneumonia and couldn't fight it off. I am absolutely devastated that my dad has been taken so quickly from us. He was such a lover of life and was adamant he was going to fight it as much as he could. I can't come to terms with him being here one minute and not anymore. He had a wonderful funeral last Monday where over 200 people paid tribute to him, He was such a popular person it made me so proud. I am going back to work tomorrow to try and get some normaility back to my family and children. I am 37 year and had my birthday this week which was so hard to get through. I feel so sad for my mum being alone and grieving so muc but still being so strong for everyone else. I am cross that the chemo in a way killed him and he spent his last few months having treatment - for what?
I can't get over that I won't be able to touch or talk to him again. I want the pain to stop but can't see how at the moment.