I lost my lovely Dad 4 months ago and it still feels totally surreal. I feel I am having a greater amount of better days now than I was initially which I am truly grateful about as the sadness was unbearable at times. My dad only got three months from diagnosis, but because he had an aggressive brain tumour there was no quality in the time he had left and the dad that I knew and loved had vanished into a confused and vulnerable person that needed constant care and couldn't be left alone. Because I helped care for him I saw some things that now haunt me and I am having lots of flashbacks about his decline/death. I know this is probably normal and your brains way of processing what happened but I feel that I am still in denial, like I just haven't seen him in a while and these flashbacks come and remind me that he has gone. I look back at the last 6 months and can't believe what has happened, it seems inconceivable that my dad has gone. Does anyone else feel like this?