
I have never joined a forum before and wish I had done so earlier. My mum was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in December 2015 after 6 months of regular visits to the GP because of difficulty eating, nausea and abdominal pain. The GP's diagnosed mum with IBS and continued to do so despite the fact that the medications did not work and they failed to monitor mums weight, along with many other failings. In the end my Dad went with her to the GP to explain how concerned we were and they finally began to complete more investigations. However there were also issues with the tests they completed, for example they did not pick up the ovarian cysts after several scans and investigations. I understand that ovarian cancer is a difficult thing to diagnose, but in my mums case so many signs and symptoms were present and I feel the GP's lack of training and experience let her down. My mum was 55 years old and had never been diagnosed with IBS before so according to NICE guidance the GP should have completed a CA125 blood test and performed other investiagations to monitor for ovarian cancer. I feel all of these mistakes caused my mum to recieve a late diagnosis, which significantly effected her prognosis. The problems with her treatment did not stop there, we were treated disgustingly at times and I saw very little compassion in most of the healthcare professionals that looked after her at the beginning. We recieved bad news everytime we went to the hospital, but my mum was a fighter and remained so positive. However she never wanted to go to bloody hospital because she feared what she would be told next. The initial plan was for mum to recieve 3 cycles of chemo and then have an operation to remove the tumour, however after the third cycle we were told that mum was too weak to recieve the operation and so she would have another 3 cycles of chemo. This hit mum hard for a few days but as I said she was soo determined and soon put a positive spin on it, saying she was happy because she would continue to see her friends she had made at the chemo clinics. She had her operation in July after waiting a long time due to waiting lists. Unfortunately it didn't go to plan, the cancer was disseminated so we were told an op wouldn't be possible. The plan was for more chemo but mum deteriorated in the coming weeks and was admitted to hospital, we were told the cancer had spread so much that it was blocking the bowel. Her oncologist explained there was nothing more they could do and handed us over to the pallitive care team and district nurses. Mums positivity went and she decided she wanted to die, this was incredibly difficult for all of us. She passed away 2 weeks later on the 6/09/16.

At the time of my mums diagnosis I was training to be a childrens nurse in London, I was in my final year. I felt completely out of control and useless, I could not do anything for my mum and family and felt like I knew absolutley nothing. This past 9 months have been horrific, I have never been under so much pressure and stress and watching my mum slowly dieing was indescribable. I feel completely and utterly let down by a service which I have worked so hard to become a part of. My mum gave everything she had to dad and us kids, she was wise, beautiful, caring and was a mother to everyone. I have a lot of family and friends around me who have supported me, however nothing anyone says makes me feel better at the moment and I know there are more hard times to come. I really don't want anyone else to go thorugh the same as we did so I want people to be aware that the main symtoms of ovarian cancer are constant bloating, abdominal pain, nausea and difficulty eating and if you are a woman aged over 55 and presenting with IBS symptoms you should be monitored for ovarian cancer. 

  • Soooo sad to read of your loss Hun... Your mum was amazing by the sounds of it until the day she died.. All that would have been at the forefront of her mind would be everyone else's well being.  I recently was diagnose at 37 with cervical cancer i though am a very lucky person to still be here but the moment I was diagnosed all u cOuld think about was how I could protect my loved ones and stop some of the hurt...  Cancer is an evil evil word I hate to hear.. If u ever need an ear to bend chat away it will help..

    I'm still not sure if I have fully dealt with mine or will hit me later on.

    goodluck and try to make the most of your life you mum would want u too xxx

  • Thank you so much for sharing your story with me. I think everyone who fights cancer are incredibly brave and strong, but it's ok to be weak sometimes. My mum often did as you said and kept strong for all of us, but she soon realised she needed to let it out sometimes and we were there for her when she did. Make sure you take some time just for you and let your loved ones in, they will understand. I'm not sure whether it ever does hit you fully, my mum said she felt it never did. I cannot understand truely how you feel as I have never had cancer myself. You are 100 percent right, I will make the most out of my life. Sometimes the whole situation smacks you in the face and you want to hide away from the world and don't understand how you will ever carry on. We were always told take each day as it comes and that's what my mum, me and my family have done all the way through. Before this happened we never realised how many people are affected by cancer and now it is everywhere we look. I wish you all the best and same to you if you ever need a chat I am hear. Thank you again :)

  • Hi Jessica,

    Sorry about your mum.

    I don't come on here often, but it's a year since I lost my Mum to ovarian cancer.I miss her still. But pain is some less now.

    I Know how you feel with GP's. The first one said the pain was because she was depressed !!. The 2nd did tests. Not the right test as it was clear. I phoned same day for another appiontment because her legs and stomach was blown up. The GP booked for a scan . But that was for 3 months!!

    I took her to the A and E, x rayed the bottom half of stomach. The docs did say maybe be ovairan cancer. CT in 2 week with tramadol. I know these pain killers are strong. So when she was in bed and in I knew there was something wrong.

    So called Parmedic , she was keen on taking her in. But she did. This time x rayed top and found she had fuild. Took them a week to remove the fuild. Even though They took a sample 5 days before.

    I read in the paper your GP will not spot Ovarian cancer. I'm

    I know how the operation that never was is like. Took mum who was brave but scared. Waited from 7 to lunch. Spends 4 hours in sugery. Im told went ok. I visit and surgeon comes around. Tell us I've done nothing, as it's gone to far.

    Mum did have chemo and those nurse mostly where good and the oncolgist.

    But not at the end, as I had no help. When the day she was dying A nurse came in and scared her by saying failing etc.

    Mum was stage 3 and you are lucky to be found at a earlier stage with this cancer.

    I see you are becoming a nurse. I know you will have more compassion. Just remind the others that it's more than a job.

     Sorry about your families loss again. Best wishes.


  • So sorry for your loss! I feel so much of what you are feeling

    I feel we were let done badly by the doctors and feel my Dad might still be hear if they acted accordingly.

    The first time my Dad presented with symptoms he was treated for an UTI, when the treatment didn't work he was given another set of antiobiotics until eventually he was sent for tests but they took months to come. He was eventually diagnosed a few months later, he had an operation to remove his a kidney and was treated with BCG and cell scraping, which I think may not have been the best treatment. He was having regular appointsments and we were told everything was going well

    The second time Dad had been complaining of pain,we thought it might be from the operations, the doctors just gave him different pain medications. The pain would not go away eventually we forced them to give him a scan only to find the cancer had spread and he was at stage 4. A few days after being given the progression diagnosis he took a turn for the worse and was rushed to hospital. We were back and forth with the local hospital and the hospital where he was being treated. They all seem to have different opinions.The doctos wouldn't give him any chemo because they said he was too weak, they just washed their hands off him and left him to die in a side room. I can't stand to go past that hospital

    2 weeks after being in hospital my Dad sadly passed away, the treatment by the staff at the hospital was not nice and I wish we were able to get him into a hospice in time.

    If the had caught the cancer earlier we could have had a better prognosis, if they had caught the progression before it spread everyway we could have had a few more years

    I am so angry with the doctors, myself and everything. I miss my Dad so much