Cancer sucks

Cancer took my beautiful mum on the 30th of September 2016. From diagnosis to going took 1 and a half weeks. My two lovely boys now have to grow up through their teenage years without one of their constant good influence in their lives. I am so angry at the hospital f o font finding the cancer and to be truthful I'm also angry that mum had to go. Not only have I lost my mum I've lost my best friend.

  • im so sorry for you loss. I agree cancer sucks it's killing so many people who we love they need to find cure and fast. All this money rising for cancer and still no cure I'm fed up of hearing they so close in finding cure. it's so hard losing someone you love more than anything in the world.take care. 

  • hi. i lost my mum in february. i too felt very angry. my mum was diagnosed and gone in exactly 1 week. it makes me so mad. i too feel my kids hav been robbed of there granny. and altho im 29 yrs old i want my mum back. 

    .. be strong x

  • Hi there, I'm so sorry you lost your mum to this horrid disease.  Today marks 1 year exactly to losing my dad, 3 days after diagnosis. Life is so cruel! I don't think I ever got really angry, maybe cross at things but not really angry. The one thing I struggle with is the quickness of it all. Take care of yourself and family. x

  • And I thought we had a raw Mum died on the 28th Setember, 12 weeks from diagnosis with no actual cancer treatment.  Hers was of unknown primary origin so they couldn't target anything and she was, in all honesty, not strong enough by the time she was diagnosed for broad spectrum or targeted treatment.  I wrote a poem to sum it all up and I'd like to share it - I hope it is appropriate to do that...



    It is hard to know what to say

    About the speed with which you were taken away.

    We are all so shocked

    That your life was stopped,

    In such an abrupt, cruel and insidious way.


    Cancer barely gave us time to adjust,

    Or share final moments that are a must,

    For claiming our closure

    And retaining composure,

    Instead of leaving us all feeling crushed


    Yours was a totally unfair fight.

    If it wasn’t, you’d have employed your great might,

    To come back with a roar

    As you’ve done before

    When challenged by Earthly life’s blight


    I can’t help but wonder if we did enough.

    Sharing this with you was painfully tough.

    I wanted to do so much more,

    But the prognosis was pitifully poor

    And the journey so rapid and rough


    And now you are gone.

    Cancer has won,

    Taking another bright light for its score.

    What does remain

    In our hours of pain

    Are the memories, the love, and the laughter once more.