Hi there, my dad died tonight after a long battle with cancer, i really need to vent. Im so very angry. How do i tell my 8 and 5 yr old children thete grandad has gone?
Hi there, my dad died tonight after a long battle with cancer, i really need to vent. Im so very angry. How do i tell my 8 and 5 yr old children thete grandad has gone?
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I hope you are able to find the words to tell your children.
Dear Westoc,
I am so very sorry to learn of your lovely Dad's passing - it all just so sad.
Thinking of you and your little ones. X
I am so sorry to hear about your dad. Sending you and your family the strength you need and hope you find a way of being able to tell your children, whilst reminding them of all the wonderful memories they will have. Xx
Hi Westoc
Go ahead and vent holding it in will only make it much worse in the future if you hold it in. My mum died 8 years ago I refused to acknowledge it cause it hurts to much it still does but I held all my emotions back to look after my younger siblings. For years I held it in I was mad at mum for leaving me and the doctors for not listening to her when she said she found a lump I have become a very angry person all because I don't know how to let go. We are all here for you when your ready to vent.
Thanks so much everyone, i went to see him today which was hard. Told the children this afternoon and everything is moving so fast its scarry
Praying for strength for you and your family.
My thoughts are with you. Sorry for your loss. When my husband died we told the grandchildren that grandad has gone to heaven and when they look up at the star's, one of them will twinkle and its grandad saying hello. Now my grandson looks up and shouts hello grandad.
You'll be surprised, they will take it better than you thought. X
My condolences on your loss and the forum is here to listen when you need to offload. I found this absolutely necessary when I lost my hubby nearly 22 months ago. Eldest grandchild was 6, youngest just 15th months 11at the time. My daughter and son in law told them a few hours after seeing their dad and of course such an emotional time. Like tonic has said their grandad is now a brighter star and the eldest lad often chats to him as he twinkles. To be fair the younger one only knows grandad in photos but we all talk about him with ease and carry him in our heart. Grieving is a timely process and different for everyone but no one can take the memories that you all carry in your heart. Sending hugs and take each day as it comes. One very helpful factor for my grandson was involving his teacher and school very early on and that extra support led to class chat and the making of memory box which he and my daughter did at home and it brings some comfort. The boys and also our new gran daughter all have memory bears which were made using one of hubby's jackets which was a service found locally through the Web.
I have no doubt that the coming weeks will at times feel like a blur but try and take time to take all the support you need from family and friends as well as some 'me time' . The forum is here as and when you need that outlet. Take care Jules
You are angry and quite rightly so, cancer is cruel and has no boundaries - children however are more resilient than you imagine and telling them in the right way without bitterness or anger will help them accept it and help make you feel stronger and more in control - good luck - I hope you find peace in all the turmoil you are going through right now. Xx