I have to survive

lost my precious husband 2 weeks ago to colon cancer, I cared for him 1 1/2 years thru the awful, ugly chemo side effects, and watching him waste away from 230 pounds to 127. I am lucky that he was at home, he was a strong believer in heaven and I know that is where he is now. I also have the responsibility of his 96 year old father who we never thought would survive him. I stay busy but cry everyday. Having this forum to belong to is a comfort. We had one child who lives far away. I'm doing this alone   One day at a time I hear everyone say

  • Hi I'm sorry for loss  I just read you post did make tears to my eyes my situation is silmer.my mother been fighting bowel cancer for two years seen her going though big op and was told she had to have chemo because when they done op there was two turmours the doctor split one .chemo made her so I'll  she wouldn't eat she was in hospital for few months .my mother decided to stop chemo because it was making her I'll for the first time it was like having my mother back.then July just gone she went for her scan they found mass didn't know if it was ovary or bowel it turned to be her bowel.she had phone call from hospital telling her oppoinment been made to see cancer doctor my mother thought they where going to decide what treatment she was haven.instead they told her it inoperable she came home we was all in shock she went back last week to be told the cancer gone in her blood.we don't know how long she got her mother still alive she 97 my mother 72 it's mad how things can change seeing someone you love go though this un really you came to right place coming on her if it only for chat or right down how you feeling you not alone when you read different post on here it's so hard take care x 

  • Thanks for the reply, I am drawing strength from the Lord, it is comforting to think I will see my husband of 50 years again, and he will have his normal strong body again, no pain, no suffering. I appreciated Hospice helping, but it was just he and I in his final hours, I was able to pray with him, stroke his face, sing to him, which made him smile, Jesus Loves Me was his favorite song, we taught Sunday School to 2&3 yr old children for years. We were always together, he was my best friend and we laughed a lot , I cherish those good memories.