Worried about leaving mum

My dad died 7 months ago I have been there for my mum who is crushed since that day I miss my dad he was the best all the time I'm worrying about my mum we are going away tomorrow for a week away I had arranged for my mum to stop at her sisters but worrying news about family so she on her own for a week I feel so sad and guilty it is breaking my heart to leave her but I know I need time with my partner just the two of us I think about my dad all the time it breaks my heart but worry about my mum they would have been married 60 yrs on October 26 th what should I do happy about holiday but worried also

  • Hello Georgie50,

    I am so sorry about your recent loss and that your mum has been feeling so devastated. She is lucky to have you by her side as you seem to be very caring and to be looking after her well at a time when she needs it the most.

    I hope you can manage to relax a little during your holiday - you do need to rest yourself and recover from the trauma of recent months. It is normal to worry about your mum and it just shows how loving you are. A week isn't very long so hopefully you can get to have time for yourself and your partner and you will soon be back by your mum's side and you can maybe take her out on the 26th of October to make sure that she isn't alone on the day that would have been her wedding anniversary. I hope you are going somewhere exciting with a bit of sunshine?

    Best wishes,

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator