My dads cancer fight

Hi all

My dear Dad sadly lost his battle with cancer on Saturday. I have been reading all the posted stories and feel for you all as we are all feeling and doing the same things, trying to make sense of it all.

my dad was diagnosed last December, after losing a little weight and being sick, his diagnosis was unknown primary somewhere in the gall bladder or angiocarcinoma , he also had secondary on lungs and liver, he was offered chemo to control it and he did not want to know prognosis either... As we wanted to hang on to hope.

my dad sailed through the chemo which ended in June as he then had a blocked bile duct and was jaundice so they could not finish the last round of Chemo, but my dad was ok, he took steroids etc and he started drinking carrot juice and soursop tea as this was meant to maybe help towards tumour shrinkage. 

Sadly his body gave up in the last week and he was admitted to a hospice on Saturday morning for pain relief and passed away around 5.45pm with his family with him.

very very sad time, but I am glad I took my dad to all his chemo sessions as it gave me quality time with him, just spend as much time as you can and stay positive when with your loved ones even if it is terminal. 

Love to you all x

  • Hi Duchie, 

    I'm so sorry to hear that your father passed away on Saturday and I just wanted to offer my condolences to you and your family.

    Those are very wise words you've put towards the end of your post Duchie and I'm glad that you got to spend quality time with your dad at his chemo sessions. I'm sure having you there gave him a lot of strength and made the process much easier for him to bear.

    Many of our members have also lost loved ones to cancer and hopefully they will post soon to offer their support to you at this difficult time.

    Kind Regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Duchie, 

    I am so sorry to hear about your dad passing away. I know there's nothing I can say to make you feel better. I am glad you have found this site, as I have found it helpful to talk to others in the same or similar situations. It's a little helpful to me to know that there are other people going through what I'm going through. Even though I do wish that we all lived in a world where cancer could be beaten by everyone that gets diagnosed. 

    My dad was recently diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer at the beginning of July. This summer has been an emotional rollercoaster to say the least. It was so shocking because my dad had always been the healthier one of my parents, and so we were all shocked when we found out this news. He only had some back pain so we just thought it was because he needed to lose a little weight, or because he was getting older. Anyway, I just wanted to offer my support and hope that you find this site helpful to get through what you're dealing with right now. I'm always here to listen! 

  • I know how you are feeling. I just lost my dad 3 weeks ago. It's such a hard thing to do. Watch a loved one die from cancer. It's crazy how fast it goes and without much warning. In my dads case anyways. I miss him all the time and can't believe that he's gone. It's heartbreaking. But it's nice to know there is people out there that know and have been through the same thing. I appreciate your words and understanding. Sending you and your family love xoxo