Lost my mum

Hi, I'm lucy and I lost my mum to cancer on 15th of July. She was only 48. This was her second cancer as she had breast cancer 7 years previous. 

I am absolutely devastated at losing my mother and best friend. I have an 11 month old son, he was my mum's first grandchild and she was ecstatic to be a grandma. However she will not be here to see him grow up. I'm struggling to come to terms with what has happened. Why was she taken so young? She was a beautiful person inside and out and did not deserve for this to happen to her. 

I wish there was something I could do to bring her back. 

  • I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, I lost my father just over a week ago to pancreatic cancer, he only found out he had it 3 weeks earlier. I can't understand it or want to accept it, this disease is awful, sending you love and hugs xx

  • I'm sorry for your loss, I lost mum on 9 July 2016, and feel lost and alone. We spent all weekend together every weekend for many years, we spoke every day and saw each other most days, she was my raft on days when I was sinking. She was 57 and on her 3rd time having cancer, this time it was everywhere all over her body and she faught so hard. We were told 18 months, she got 5 and I felt relieved that she wasn't in pain anymore and devastated to lose her. Grief I'm told is selfish, yesterday my don started primary one and I wanted her to be there and was so angry she didn't make it, just over a month is all I needed but I know there will always be the next milestone. Thank you for the posts you have made, I know I'm not alone.

    May you be blessed and the grief you feel ease in time as I'm told it would x

  • Hi Lucy. Sorry for your loss. I feel so much sypathy for you. I lost my mum in January and feel exactly the same, I'm still struggling to accept what happend. My children are 5 and 7 and to be truthful they are my one realease from the pain. but whenever I think of them growing up with out having her around it breaks my heart a little more. We used to go to my mums every week for Sunday lunch so now every week when we sit down to eat we light a candle for her, and tell stories about her. I know hes a bit young to understand but cuddle up with your little boy and tell him stories about his brave grandma. It sounds a bit silly but it's really helping me and my kid's 

    Kerry x