Struggling to cope with my dads death

My dad passed away 4 weeks ago to oesophagus cancer we weren't expecting it he was told they could shrink it with chemo. However unbeknown to us it had spread quickly and my dad deteriorated fast. My mum and I looked after him at home and were with him when he passed. We do take comfort from this that we did everything he wanted. But my heart is broken my dad and I were very close spoke and text everyday I spend most of the day trying to keep composed for my daughters but I don't sleep my mind replaying the last few weeks of my dads life. My daughters are struggling they miss him so much he was a huge part of their lives. One of my daughters who was particularly close to my dad cries every night saying it's not fair they had plans for when she started high school. nothing I say makes a difference I just don't know what to do we are both grieving and completely heart broken. 

  • Hey, I couldn't pass by without replying. I too lost my dad to oesophageal cancer..3 weeks ago tomorrow. He was into his 2nd session of chemo and we think he contracted sepsis and passed away 2 days later after aspirating :( I'd seen him the day before, and whilst he looked horrendously ill having lost a lot of weight, we didn't think that it was actually so close to the end. I, like you, am trying to keep strong for my daughters, and quite often I feel like I just want to curl up in bed and just stay there. 


    Deep down I know that I have to take comfort in the fact my dads suffering wasn't dragged out over months and months, but I'm still struggling with it sinking in.

    How old was your dad? Mine was 74 so not hugely old these days 

    message me anytime if you need to talk xxxx

  • I'm sorry for your loss, I lost my dad just over a week ago to pancreatic cancer, we only found out he had it 3 weeks earlier, I still can't accept it and just want to sleep hoping il wake up and it's not true. My children were close to my father so I'm trying to be strong for them although it's hard. Sending you love and hugs xx