Lost my Dad

Hello everyone. Im Rachel and I was guided in this direction because my father died 6 weeks ago. We were told it was cirrhosis of the liver and if he made some lifestyle choices he'd be ok. After looking after him for 8 months he just got progressively worse, living with ascites and fluid on the lungs etc. He was in and out of hospital but the last time he went in he had an infection. A week later we were told he had cancer in the liver, chest and adrenals and within five days he was dead. My boyfriend's Dad only died 8 months ago due to cancer also. This last year has been so tough. 

  • Hi Rachel, Sorry about your loss. Cancer is terrible. I lost my mum to cancer 10 months ago. Miss her loads, but the pain does ease some what. I did see the doctor for help. My mum had ascites from the cancer, mum hated being drained. Didn't like the lack of sleep in hospital. It's very raw now and hope you have a good family to help. Sameboat
  • Hi Rachel 

    so sorry to hear that. I lost my dad 4 days a go to cancer of the pancreas/liver. He was only diagnosed 3 weeks ago and only felt ill for 7 weeks and the Doctorow said it was flu. I can't believe it at the moment, it happened so quickly. He didn't accept it and wouldn't have pain relief and it broke my heart. Sending you love xx

  • Hello sameboat,

    Thank you for your reply. I am very sorry to hear about your mum. It's just awful isn't it. 

    Dad too hated being in hospital and complained about the lack of sleep. He too was drained a few times, it would only help for a short time and it very quickly returned, leaving him struggling to breath and move. I hope I did all I could to make the last 8 months a bit more bearable for him, we always wish we could do more I suppose. 

    I am lucky in that I have a great family and good bunch of friends around me. Hope you do too x

  • Hello Patricia, 

    Thank you for you reply. I am sorry too hear about your dad, how are you doing? That must have been such a shock for you. I just couldn't believe it had happened after four days, just didn't seem real. 

    All the time my dad thought he had a chance he fought but as soon as he heard the word cancer it was like he gave up, I can't blame him. Literally 5 days after hearing that word he was gone. The worst thing for me was just seeing he's poor face when he got the news, he was only 56 and I can remember him saying "but I'm not ready to leave" heartbreaking stuff. Sending my love to you all also, I hope your doing as ok as you possibly can be at this time xx

  • Hi Rachel

    I am so sorry for the loss of your dad, 56 was no age at all, it must have been heartbreaking to hear him say he was not ready to leave. My dad said that too but he was in his 70s, I guess it's hard to take in at any age. We lost him 6 weeks ago and I have never experienced pain like it. I still can't believe he has gone. He was my best friend and person I preferred to be with above anyone else, I am going to miss him so much.

    I am really glad you have good family and friends around you, they will help you through. Look after each other, sending you lots of love. Xx

  • Hi Rachel, I'm only 19 years old. My mother died in Novemeber, aged 53. She had bowel cancer, but it ended up just spreading everywhere I guess. She was diagnosed about 2 years before her death. It's been around 9 months since I lost her, and I miss her more and more as each day goes by, but all I can tell you is that if you have good family and friends around you, you will be okay. It is so hard losing a parent, no matter what age, it kinda just feels like "what's the point". I have a lot of built up anger towards doctors who messed her about and misdiagnosed her which I think makes it harder for me. But, the only advise I can give you, is what is sitting around feeling sorry for ourselves going to do? It's not going to bring them back. Not to say I don't ever think about my mom, I do every minute of every day, and I miss her more than anything. But our parents would not want us sitting around being sad, they'd want us to move on with our lives and be happy. That's what gets me through every day. Cancer is a cruel cruel thing and it always take the best people, life isn't very fair.

    For weeks after my mother died, I sat around, crying, begging for her to come back, it's only normal, but I'm okay now, I have those days here and there.

    I'm very sorry to hear of your loss, but I hope you can start to feel better, it's what your father would of wanted.

    Sending lots of love and cuddles xxx

  • Hi Rachel yes my dad was the same, when he was told it was liver he had hope thinking they could help him, but as soon as they told him it was also pancreas and he had 3 to 6 months he gave up and died within a week. He also didn't want to die and the last week he suffered right til  the end with no pain relief, it broke my heart and I still can't accept it. His funeral is the 26th which I'm dreading, I don't want to say goodbye as j don't want it to be real. Such an awful thing, sending you hugs xx

  • Hello LauraJayne

    Thank you for your message.

    I am so sorry to hear you lost your mum so young. You are never ready to say goodbye at any age are you. I feel too my dad didn't get the best treatment in the end and I've felt angry but when I think it over, it really wouldn't have changed the outcome.  I feel better knowing he's know longer suffering but it pains me that he never got to enjoy his retirement, he had so many plans still. My boyfriend only lost his dad 8 months ago and he tells me that we must live our lives to the full for them. 

    Keep smiling, thinking of you


  • Your poor Dad. We had to wait three weeks before my dad's funeral and it's horrible all the time that's ahead of you. I understand your dread, hopefully once you've laid him to rest you can start to gradually move on. My brother and I have got to sort dad's house tomorrow ready to sell now. I am currently at university training to be a nurse and it's left me with so many questions. If nothing else it's helped me see what kind of nurse I want to be and understand what it's like to be in the family's shoes. Although I really didn't want to be there and by the afternoon I wanted to hide away, it was nice to see at the funeral how many lives my dad touched and hear what he meant to others. Thinking of you, I hope the 26th goes as well as these things can go. X

  • Hi Rachel, I lost my dad to cancer 7 weeks ago and it was the most heartbreaking thing Ive had to deal with, he had prostate cancer which spread to his bones, he was 76 but never felt he was that old, its just so hard to see someone go from a strong healthy person to drop 4 stone and look so painfully thin and be in pain, we nursed dad at home as he didn't want to go into hospital and we were all with him when he passed at 3.30am Monday 20th June my brother, 3 sisters and mum all around him stroking his hand and telling him how much we loved him, although it was heartbreaking for us I hope it was comforting for dad that we were all with him.